A Travellers Best Friend
The most compact Paralletes ever! Measuring 20cm L x 10cm H x 12cm W when separated and 23.5 cm L x 11.5cm H x 12cm W when interlinked. Making these the most travel friendly Paralettes on the market.

Enhanced GRIP
Our grip tape is now available for seperate purchase making it available for our entire Parallette collection! Only $4.95 when paired with any set or Coast Cali Parallettes.

Super Light Weight
Whether you're a digital nomad, a frequent traveler, or simply someone who loves to stay active outdoors, our Ultra-Portable Travel Parallettes are the perfect addition to your fitness arsenal and weighing in at just over 1kg they can be taken anywhere!

Holding Strap
Uniquely featuring a durable strap that snugly holds the parallettes together, this design innovation not only ensures they stay compact and easy to carry but also significantly simplifies storage, making them an ideal choice for those with limited space.
*Please note we can not guarantee the integrity of the rubber mats due to the unknown surface you are placing them on.
How are they differ from the Classic Parallettes?
Our Travel-ettes are a compact 20cm design with an interlocking feature allowing for better portability. They also feature a strap to hold them together.
How do I wrap my Travel-ettes?
You will find a step by step guide on how to wrap your parallettes HERE.
Will the Classic Paralettes become redundant?
Absolutely not! They both have their pros and cons so we will continue to sell our Classic 30cm and 50cm versions.